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Our Projects.
Innovative & results driven, on-time and on-budget

Infinivox | Medical App Development

The creation of a Voice Tracking mobile iOS App to capture voice recordings and gather vocal information over time to analyse a patient's medical vocal health.  The App was developed on time and on budget with glowing feedback from a collection of testers from the medical and professional singers/performers sectors.

Client Brief

  • To develop a proof of concept iOS App
  • A modern and unique look and feel
  • Voice recording
  • Analysis of voice data (frequency/decibels)
  • Display of voice data analysis
  • Creation of predefined questionnaire and customisable question set

Echo3 Solution

  • Fully functional iOS App
  • Integration to web based member/content admin
  • Integration to AWS for storage and retrieval of analysis data
  • Developed on time and on budget
Infinivox Infinivox Infinivox
Infinivox | Medical App Development
Infinivox | Medical App Development
Infinivox | Medical App Development
Infinivox | Medical App Development
Infinivox | Medical App Development
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